Friday, 25 November 2011

The dreaded workcheck

Yesterday i had my first work check with Toby, I was told i'm on the right path with research but i need to start putting my finding into practice. I also need to start narrowing down my findings onto one idea and expanding on that. We also got a more grounded idea of what the festival may entail, Orchestral, Jazz, Shakespearian plays with a Sheffield twist, Choir, Swing, None vocal, Brass band and some abstract unconventional music. None of this is 100% accurate but it just gives us a good idea of what to expect rather than blinding stabbing in the dark. With my work check me and toby also looked at some more visual examples of musical concerts and what mood might go along with certain aspects of the performances.

However one thing that is pretty much certain and is going to be performed at then end of all the other acts is a grand finale of all the acts that have taken part in the show. This will be a massive event within itself and should be extremely creative, exciting and overwhelming.

Some of the examples i looked at for the "Cutlery Concerto" were more abstract was of producing music, as the name gives the impression that instead of instruments they will possibly be using cutlery to create their masterpiece.

This crazy band play with anything they can find, giving the whole act a very urban messy feel even though a lot of blood and sweat has obviously gone into creating a spectacular performance like no other.

This band may use everyday objects to perform a part of their music, but they mix it with actual instruments once more creating a very unique sound.

I saw this a long time ago, i may be looking into abstract ways of creating music a little to much but i had to include the spectacularly breath taking performance.... just amazing.

We also talked about how types of music might make you feel, for me it's mainly colour. I picture colours floating when i listen to classical, yet when i listen to say STOMP i picture more aggressive visceral sharp colours that flash and indent the screen.
After this i was told i needed a more solid direction to go in, i need to pic one idea an just build upon it, i try to much all the ideas will become very thinly spread and i wont have enough time to make my final outcome a success.

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